Just a guy lurking and not fufilling his obligations. My movies are mostly inside jokes and the like so feel free to zerobomb my stuff if you don't like it!

Chaka Khan @Smidly

Age 30, Male


It's a mystery to all


Joined on 6/10/07

Exp Points:
4,054 / 4,440
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6.15 votes
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Smidly's News

Posted by Smidly - February 8th, 2010

So I was drawing stuff (mostly genitalia) in picto-chat the other day and was amazed by how easy it was and how much better it was than when I try to 'draw' stuff on my computer with my mouse. I swear if I actually make some money some day I'll buy a tablet PC and my flash would be 5x better. FO REAL.

Perhaps I should just scan stuff in.

Tablets must be so awesome...

Posted by Smidly - December 20th, 2009

Might be finished earlier than I thought. EXPECT IT TO COME OUT AT SOME TIME NEXT MONTH! FUCK YEAH.

Also I was redoing one of the K BOY TEH PWN scenes and I have to say, it's 300% more seizurrrific.

Also the screen cap looks bad because it's a still shot, it looks GODLY animated.

Nach Mexiko...

Posted by Smidly - November 20th, 2009



Major News Edit: Highway Jumper received front page! Everyone play it! Everyone 5 it! Give an honest review!

Minor News Edit: I apparently got banned for calling someone a "fag"

Posted by Smidly - November 3rd, 2009

It seems that alot of people from high school have found my NG account... I AM ROYALLY FUCKED, THANKS ALOT MR.PIBBS, OR SHOULD I SAY, DAVID KAPLAN!

Also I've made 2 cents so far from flash ads (fail) and my eCPM value went up to $0.48 FUCK YEA!

Ah shit

Posted by Smidly - October 22nd, 2009

Dear lord, how many times has it been now?

Some guy has the nerve to basicly give every god damn thing he reviews a 6 or under because he's an elitist asshole. So what do I do? I send it straight back at him with a snotty review, and what do I get? A Ban. Because I wasn't serious about being a jackass.

Fuck you xXCrowXx and fuck you tigerkitty

lol review ban

Posted by Smidly - October 17th, 2009

to be finished for halloween. See you all later.

By the way, this is possibly the best thing to have come out of my physics class:

/* */

Posted by Smidly - October 11th, 2009

When you've been at the computer for hours and it's really cold and your hand gets numb? It's a pain in the ass when I'm trying to be CREDIT TO TEAM.

Don't you hate it...

Posted by Smidly - September 17th, 2009

Get that screen cap off please.

Facebook really?

Posted by Smidly - September 4th, 2009

I've decided the 2nd DJ Newman movi will not be madness and will not be my submission for madness day.. I'm going to make it a comedy/action flash starring both bonfire (Chris you know who you are), and DJ Newman as sort of rivals! I started writing the script a few days ago.

The villain in this one is the angry PLC teacher by the way...

Also, princeludwig figure this out... What is Baa Sea Fib an anagram for?

DJ Newman:  Enter Christopher.

Posted by Smidly - August 30th, 2009

Cause I aint, I reread it today and realized it's retarded. I'm not making this shit.

DJ Newman Madness 2

Storyline for DJ Newman Madness 1 and 2 according to the canon storyline:

The Illegal Midgets were stripped of cash, and saw there was a rap movement going on. Deciding that it was a pretty easy way of making money, they enlisted D.J. Newman to rap and get some money. D.J. Newman held a concert with Kenneth and Smidly, where an army of green Kenneth clones attacked them! Smidly got shot and Kenneth got stabbed, but D.J. Newman shot an exploding barrel in Harley's basement, where they all retreated. However, all three managed to survive, and the Kenneth clones seemed to be stopped after being all in the explosion. %u2028However, David Newman and Harley were in the same World History class as Ms. Sugameli, who Kenneth informed them was the same thing as Shugah, the one with Harley's clone creating machine. The Illegal Midgets needed the Kenneths to be all-dead, so once again it was D.J. Newman sent, along with Smidly for he seemed to know how to stop the clones.%u2028They both infiltrated the school, but were ambushed in the library by an army of retard zombies and Kenneth clones. They barely managed to escape and went into Shugah's room, destroying the clone machine. However, they did not find Shugah and they were certain there were more Kenneth clones alive, along with the mysterious retard zombies.

Scene 1: Sugameli's Class
Smidly, D.J. Newman and fat Chris are sitting next to each other as Sugameli is yelling at fat Chris.
Sugameli: KID, THAT'S NOT HOW YOU TALK TO YOUR FUTURE BOSS. You got to send in your homework! Of course it is Spanish, it has a guitar, STUPID. You know what? After school, later today.
Fat Chris: B-But...
Sugameli: No excuses!
Sugameli goes back to lecturing about Jarod Diamond while Smidly, D.J. Newman, and fat Chris whisper to each other.
Fat Chris: Shit. I'm not gonna do that shit for Sugameli.
D.J. Newman: Hah look at how she sucks Diamond's dick.
Smidly: What the fuck Spanish guitar?
D.J. Newman: Chris, you know you have to do it. Or else Sugameli will stalk you and rape you in your sleep. And she's an old hag. You don't want that in your system.
Fat Chris: Y-You know what? I'll go.
Sugameli: And that's why the Spanish with their Spanish guitars were able to conquer the Aztecs. Class, your homework tonight is outlining pages 32-69 in your textbook.
D.J. Newman: Isn't that a bit too much? We have an English research paper also...
Sugameli: KID, I don't CARE. Just get it done or you'll get fired by your boss.

Scene 2: Lunch
Smidly, D.J. Newman and Kenneth sit together. Fat Chris is noticeably absent.
D.J. Newman: Cool. Fat Chris isn't here to take up three seats at a time.
Kenneth: Guys. Remember when the Kenneth Clones were attacking us at the concert and Smidly's house?
D.J. Newman: Yeah, good times, good times. You stalled for me! That was so nice.
Kenneth: And Smidly got STAB-STAB-STAB'D.
Smidly eats a taco and says Don't remind me.
D.J. Newman stabs Kenneth in the head with a fork, ala the Thomas Berry stabbing. First violence! Blood spills out of Kenneth's head.
D.J. Newman: Kenneth-boy, shut up. Go fulfill your stabbing destiny at another lunch table.
Kenneth: I think your World History teacher is the one who sent Kenneth Clones after us.
Smidly: Sugameli?
D.J. Newman: AKA Shugahmelah AKA Shugah AKA a total bitch.
Kenneth: Yeah. I think she has the stolen clone machine somewhere in her room.
D.J. Newman: Well I have English next period in the library, I can do some investigating.
Fat Chris enters the lunch table, exhausted with blood all over his face.
Smidly: Chris did your ketchup spill everywhere again?
Fat Chris: It was...Shugah...Stupid...fanboys.
Fat Chris dies and falls over on Smidly's taco, who takes another bite.
Smidly: It TASTES like ketchup.
Kenneth: Scientifically, it is the same substance that comes out of people when I STAB- STAB-STAB them! STAB-STAB-STAB!
Kenneth goes on a rampage and starts stabbing people in the cafeteria, including Tess and Santina. People attempt to stop him by throwing food at him but Kenneth's STAB-STAB-STABing powers are too much for them. Smidly and D.J. Newman leave the cafeteria early.
D.J. Newman: So meet me at my locker, 'kay?
Smidly: I actually have a Study next period. So I can meet you at the library right now.

Scene 3: The Library
Smidly and D.J. Newman are overlooking some books at the library, which is displayed by a bunch of tables and bookshelves. Despite D.J. Newman's English class going on here, the English class people suspiciously are roaming the hallways in the bathrooms, so they aren't at the scene. Only Smidly and D.J. Newman, along with Retard Zombie Timmy who is drooling on a book.
D.J. Newman (while looking at a book titled "How to Destroy a Clone Machine"): What the hell is this retard doing here? He can't read and he's ruining a book.
Smidly (while looking at a book titled "How to Animate Successful Flash Movies"): Who cares? Let them do what they want. Do you always have to be a bigot?
D.J. Newman: Pretty much, yeah. It's my character, lazy Mexican.
Retard Zombie Timmy walks up to D.J. Newman and fight music starts playing. D.J. Newman nervously steps back from Timmy as he is drooling on the floor. He then bellows out a roar as Kenneth Clones and more Retard Zombies fly through the windows, armed with an assortment of weapons.
D.J. Newman: Stupid gun control laws. Now would be a good time to have a gun of some sort.
Fight scene occurs. Use your imagination and get D.J. Newman and Smidly some weapons somehow. Make it epic, okay?
After the fight...
D.J. Newman: Shit. They're on to us. I don't want to end up like Chris...
Smidly: The fat part or the dead part?
D.J. Newman: ...Both, but I'd rather be dead than fat. Anyways, Shugah still has an army of clones after the explosion at your basement. If Kenneth-boy is right, then the machine should be in her classroom. Meet me at my locker, okay? I got Math now and then school is over.

Scene 4: Siege of Shugahmelah's Room
Walking away from the lockers, D.J. Newman and Smidly, armed with whatever you'd like, see a notice on Shugahmelah's door that says, "Staff Meeting. NO KIDS."
D.J. Newman: Why would she want Chris in there after school if she was having a staff meeting?
Kenneth crazily enters the scene and STAB-STAB-STABs the door down.
Kenneth: You two take it from here. I got to go to MATH TEAM! Asian power!
Kenneth jumps out of the scene.
D.J. Newman: I have the feeling he looks a lot more badass than we do.
D.J. Newman and Smidly enter the classroom, where an angry Shugahmelah is there with her clone machine.
Shugah: I said NO KIDS, KIDS.
D.J. Newman: ...Uh...
Smidly open-fires on Shugah and the clone machine. Shugah uses Kenneth Clones as shields. D.J. Newman and Shugah talk while Smidly shoots more clones who are now surrounding them.
D.J. Newman: What did you do to Chris!?
Shugah: That's confidential stupid-teacher information! You're really getting on my nerves!
D.J. Newman: But he wanted you to tell me!
D.J. Newman: But he's DEAD.
Shugah: And so are you!
Retard Zombies fall from the ceiling as Shugah jumps out the window, escaping on a hang-glider. Or whatever the hell you want, as long as it is clear that she survives.
Smidly: At least she left the clone machine. By the way, you should probably fight because so far I've done all the work.
D.J. Newman: Uh, right.
Another full-scale fight scene occurs, until all that is left is D.J. Newman, Smidly, and Retard Zombie Shawn-John, along with Retard Zombie Fat-Tard. Shawn-John lets out a horrible shrill sound and the fighting continues epically, two on two. Sometime in the process, someone shoots the clone machine and a giant explosion envelops the screen as it goes to credits.

Someone make a flash outta this..