I've decided the 2nd DJ Newman movi will not be madness and will not be my submission for madness day.. I'm going to make it a comedy/action flash starring both bonfire (Chris you know who you are), and DJ Newman as sort of rivals! I started writing the script a few days ago.
The villain in this one is the angry PLC teacher by the way...
Also, princeludwig figure this out... What is Baa Sea Fib an anagram for?
Baa sea fib = d
Now to real business
the end
images/B00026WUBE/sr=1-1/qid=1252 119217/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=5 174&s=music&qid=1252119217&sr=1-1
woah wtf that wasn't what I expected my copy paste to be....
Yo dawg! We heard you liked video games so we put a video game in yo video game so you can play while you play!
There we go.