'cause y'know, we have 33 days to write it and put it up as flash until Madness Day '09.
Just a guy lurking and not fufilling his obligations. My movies are mostly inside jokes and the like so feel free to zerobomb my stuff if you don't like it!
Age 30, Male
It's a mystery to all
Joined on 6/10/07
'cause y'know, we have 33 days to write it and put it up as flash until Madness Day '09.
Double post! Doible post! Doible Priest!
I dunno. WRITE IT NOW.
Tatu, ain't they lesbians or sometin? I know something that will happen. A collab with me, you AND egoFAPtor. Get it, egoFAPtor? Cuz he's always FAPping to pornographic images and videos.
I just signed up for APB beta testing. You know, that pc game thats like a big action game thats cops n robbers. Of course I'm going to be a robber. And rob people to death then graffiti on their faces and then steal some cars and rape man rape rape.
I was personally playing tf2 and I was a spy and I spied the whole place up. Speaking of tf2, you have a steam account correctomundo? Well then hand over all your money so we can play games on steam instead of me work on rEALMS3
TaTu are like...semi-lesbians or something. I think it's a publicity stunt. I'm tottally going to PM Egoraptor and tell him about our destined collab and his new name.
APB? Duuuuuuude, I'd play that but I only have a mac, and I used crossover to play games but I don't think it works for that.
TF2? PLAY ME AND THE DREADED NEOTANK!!!! I'LL BURN YOUR SPY ASS, MR.CRIBBS. Also Why do I need to give you mo ey if you already have steam? lol
When do you want me to actually write up DJ Newman Madness 2? <_<
You're writing it? lol wut?